Permaculture is an Ethically Based Whole-System Design Approach that Uses Concepts, Principles and Methods Derived from Eco-Systems, Indigenous Peoples and Time Tested Practices to Create Sustainable Human Settlements and Institutions. Although Rooted in Horticulture and Agriculture, Permaculture Design is Interdisciplinary, Touching on a Wide Range of Subjects Including Regional Planning,Ecology, Animal Husbandry, Appropriate Technology, Architecture and International Development.
The Co-Founders of Permaculture
“Though the problems of the world are increasingly complex,
the solutions remain embarrassingly simple.” Tangari Hall of Records Podcast Interview of Bill Mollison. FaceBook Page
Permaculture One – a Perennial Agriculture for Human Settlements: by Mollison and Holmgren.
“Traditional agriculture was labor intensive, industrial agriculture is energy intensive, and permaculture-designed systems are information and design intensive.” H o l m g r e n D e s i g n s