July Arrives and the Countdown to Day Out of Time Begins

July 6th

July 21st

July 25th~~Day out of Time

                                                                 Happy Galactic New Year...The Countdown Begins to New Earth Wizards on July 25, 2019.                                                                                                                                                We Will Hold Space in Celebration with this Global Event.                                                                                        Earth Mother Studio Proudly Announces our First Annual FireLosophy Transformational Festival  July 20-27 2019

Celebration of Peace Through Culture

July 26th

It's So Nice to be Located Right Across the Street from Lamesa's Largest Park.  Pictured here is the Playground and Free RV Parking at Forrest Park

July 27th

The West Texas Sulphur Draw gets A Haircut

July 30th

The Property on the North Side of the Draw is Parched.  The Result of Rainfall Runoff on the Property.  This will be Corrected in Phase Two with the Use of Swales.