This discussion question will help you to think about what you would like to accomplish through your design. Post your answer to the discussion question by Entering the Statement of Intent Discussion Board.
**This activity is required to earn your Intro to Permaculture Digital Badge.
**This activity is required to earn your-- Intro to Permaculture Digital Badge .
Week 1 - Alternative Tool Instructions and Resources.
There are many alternative avenues to search and locate a map, as well as many ways to save it so that it can be used and shared in this course. Listed below are sources that can provide maps for you to use and share, as well as ways for you to save the map, depending on the source.
Google Earth (Requires you to download either Google Earth or Google Earth Pro to your desktop or mobile device (Google Earth Beginner Tutorials provide resources on searching for places
Ways to save:
Google Maps (Google Maps Help Center provides resources on how to Search on Google Maps. Links to an external site. , Search nearby for a type of place , See terrain on the map . , Search for & get coordinates
Ways to save:
Governments, Educational institutions, Private interests
Ways to save:
Hand-drawn maps/location sites
Ways to save: