Earth Mother Studio        Regen Ag / Permaculture  Research Institute

110 N. 7th St.
Lamesa, Texas 79331

Permaculture is an Ethically Based Whole-System Design Approach that Uses Concepts, Principles and Methods Derived from Eco-Systems, Indigenous Peoples and Time Tested Practices to Create Sustainable Human Settlements and Institutions.  Although Rooted in Horticulture and Agriculture,  Permaculture  Design is Interdisciplinary, Touching on a  Wide Range of Subjects Including Regional Planning,Ecology,  Animal Husbandry, Appropriate Technology,  Architecture and International Development.

A Short and Incomplete History of Permaculture

In 2007, Organic Gardener Magazine editor, Steve Payne, and Russ Grayson were approached by New Internationalist Magazine to write a Brief History of the Permaculture Design System, with a particular focus on its formative years.  An edited version of their article appeared in the magazine. The original article supplied to the New Internationalist has additional Information and is available Here.

The Co-Founders of Permaculture

Their First Book 

Permaculture One – a Perennial Agriculture for Human Settlements:  by Mollison and Holmgren.

David Holmgren

“Traditional agriculture was labor intensive, industrial agriculture is energy intensive, and permaculture-designed systems are information and design intensive.”                                                 H o l m g r e n  D e s i g n s