September 2nd                                         Enter Phil and Lynne

And Their Three 4-legged Magical Beings * Mysterious Happenings Brings Old Families Back Together to Form New Beginnings

                                            September 7th                                                      The Blue Vinyl Building Arrives * Thanks to Melvin & Juanelle Harris with Derksen Buildings for helping us Build This Community.                We Bought the First One in 2012 and One a Year Thereafter. This is # 6.  The Other 5 are at the HUB Property.

September 1st & 2nd Brought More Rainfall

Luckily the Ground was Dry Enough For the 18 Wheeler to get in with the Building.

September 10th

Thanks to Stephen Alvarado for Helping with Phil & Lynne's Relocation.

September 25th

The South Zone One Garden Goes In

September 26th

First Signs of Flooding on the Draw.  Our Observation Period Now Pinpoints The Problem Areas.

The Fall Gardening Begins